
Running projects


Slovak projects:

APVV-19-0386 Ion and electron processes for advanced spectrometric methods - INTREPID
APVV-17-0318 Aplikačné možnosti nových ortogonálnych miniaturizovaných a mikroseparačných analytických systémov pre rýchly monitoring biologických, environmentálnych a forenzných vzoriek
VEGA 1/0489/21 Štúdium excitačných zrážok elektrónov s molekulami astrofyzikálneho významu

EU projects

IMPACT - Ion–Molecule Processes for Analytical Chemistry Technologies  Project Number 674911, MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE ACTIONS Innovative Training Network
Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (RI)

Finished projects

APVV-15-0580 - "Electron and ion interactions wiht molecules and their applications in the field of analytical and diagnostic methods"

VEGA 1/0417/15 - Microdischarge generation, diagnostics and studies of relevant volume and heterogenous processes

VEGA 1/0379/11 - Ionization and excitation reactions of the electrons for plasma diagnostics and applications

VEGA 1/0514/12 - Volume and surfaces processes in atmospheric pressure discharges

APVV-0733-11 - Kinetics of electron and ion processes for fusion plasma and electric discharges

APVV project SK-SRB-0011-09 - Excitation and fragmentation of small biomolecule

APVV project SK-CN-0015-09:  - Formation of negative ions at atmospheric pressure studied using IMS/MS technique

APVV project APVV- 07-365 -  Electron interaction study to the molecules relevant to the fusion and technological plasmas. 

VEGA 1/0051/08   Formation of negative ions in negative corona discharge using IMS and IMS-TOF spectroscopic methods 

APVV project SK-CN-0029-07 - Low Energy Electron Reaction in Atmospheric Pressure Corona Discharge Source Abatment of Halogenated Compounds

APVV project LPP-0143-06 - Ionisation reactions of the electrons and ion mobility spectrometry

VEGA project Nr. 1/1009/04 - Experimental studies of dissociative electron attachment to bromo-chloro hydrocarbons

APVT project Nr. 20-007504 - Comprehensive study of ionization reactions of electrons with molecules of technological and biological importance and their role in high pressure discharges



IAEA project - Electron impact ionisation of small hydrocarbon molecules

 ELEvaTE - ExceLlence in Electron TEchnologies -  H2020 Twinning project

EUROFusion consortium H2020

 COST Astrochem