Physics Department
The Department of Physics was founded in 1992. Physics Department employs 21 academic staff including 5 Professors, 8 associate professors, 4 assistant professors and 4 research assistants. There are five major research fields in the department: Atomic and Molecular Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, High Energy and Plasma Physics, Mathematical Physics and Nuclear Physics. Atomic and Molecular Physics research group mainly focuses on FTIR spectroscopy, luminance (UV) spectroscopy and electrical properties of porous silicone, electric and dielectric properties of modified clay minerals and metal oxides composites, and molecular spectroscopy. Condensed Mater Physics group focuses on the electrical, optical and elastic properties of solid materials like polymers and metals in the Solid State Laboratory. High Energy group studies thermal quantum chromodynamics, quantum field theory and quark gluon plasma signals. Laser Physics group carries out their scientific work in the Laser Technologies Research and Application Center (LATARUM). LATARUM was established as a research center incorporating researchers from various fields of science and engineering with the aim of carrying out research on academic level, as well as, towards industrial applications on laser related areas. The current researchers at LATARUM come from diverse backgrounds from Department of Physics, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering. LATARUM is organized into three groups. These are the Electrooptics Group, the Laser Material Processing Group, and the Modeling and Simulation Group. Mathematical Physics group is mainly focused on numerical modeling of heat transfer and diffusion processes, inverse problems, and supersymmetry. The research activities of the Nuclear Physics group are mainly focused on Nuclear Astrophysics and Environmental Radioactivity.
Kocaeli Üniversitesi Umuttepe Yerleşkesi 41380, Kocaeli,
Code: 40.822854, 29.921929